Publikationsliste Miao-ling Hasenkamp (2018)


Universalization of Human Rights? The Effectiveness of Western Human Rights Policies towards Developing Countries after the Cold War. With Case Studies on China. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, Univ. Diss., 2004, 593 p.

Human Rights Law, Culture, and Economics: An Intersectional Investigation. With Case Studies on the Death Penalty and Immigration Policies. London: Rowman & Littlefield 2017/18 (under the book proposal inspection process).

Internationale Menschenrechtspolitik – ein Lehrbuch. Verlag Barbara Budrich 2018 (in Vorbereitung)

Edited Books:

China and Autocracy: Its Political Influence and the Limits of Global Democracy. London: I.B. Tauris 2018 (accepted, forthcoming)

Menschenrechte, Entwicklung und Governance in der internationalen Politik – Konflikt oder Konvergenz im Wunschkonzert der Ziele? Lit-Verlag, Münster, Jan. 2017.

Menschenrechte, Bildung und Entwicklung – Bestandsaufnahme ihrer Zusammenhänge. Festschrift für Prof. Karl-Peter Fritzsches 65. Geburtstag“, Co-Herausgeber Malte Brosig, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Oktober 2015.

Journal Articles:


Gendering Health Risks in Global Environmental and Refugee Governance“, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, under peer-reviewed process (October 2017 – Feb. 2018)
„Towards a Chinese Brand of Democracy? Models, Dynamics and Limitations”, The China Quarterly, submitted for peer-reviewing and publication (July – December 2017).
„Synergizing Islam and Gender in Peacebuilding and Transformation? Some Messages from Afghanistan“ Co-author Nicole Birtsch, Gender and Politics, to be submitted (Feb. – Mai 2018).
“International Criminal Court as a Site to Combat Terrorism,” Political Science Review, submitted for peer-reviewing and publication (October 2017).
„Revisiting the Death Penalty in the United States: Intersections between Law, Justice, and Economics,” International Review of Law and Economics, submitted for peer-reviewing and publication (June 2017 – Dec. 2017).
“Fostering Peace, Security and Development through EU’s Neighbourhood and Partnership Policy? With the Case Study on Tunisia“, Journal of Common Market Studies, to be submitted in November 2017 for peer-reviewing and publication.
„European Migration Law and Practices between Integration, Imagination and Exclusion“ paper room at the (since 2014).
„Eine Historiographie der Kontingenzen – zur Rolle der Menschenrechte in der internationalen Politik,“ Buchrezension „Die Ambivalenz des Guten. Menschenrechte in der internationalen Politik seit den 1940ern“ von Jan Eckel, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014, In Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft im Metropol-Verlag, 2015, S. 1001-02.

“Gerechtigkeits- und Geschichtspolitik in Ostasien – Trostfrauen als Beispiel“, Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, Jg. 8 (1), S. 136-59, 2014

„Ein Tor geöffnet zu deliberativ gefundenen Menschenrechten? Zu Fricks Suche nach einem Grundkonsens“, Erwägen Wissen Ethik (EWE), herausgegeben von Frank Benseler, Bettina Blanck, Reinhard Keil, Werner Loh, Jahrgang 24, Heft 3, 2013/14, Paderborn: Verlag Lucius & Lucius, S. 210-12, ISSN: 1610-3696.

„International Security, Development and Human Rights – Policy Conversion or Conflict?“, Journal of International and Global Politics, Vol. 3 (2): 75-108, April 2012.

Menschenrechte – Zum Politischen und Gesellschaftlichen Bedeutungsgewinn seit 1948,“ Fachzeitschrift Siegen: Sozial (SI:SO) Analyse Berichte Kontroversen (interdisziplinäre erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift der Studiengänge Soziale Arbeit Universität Siegen Fakultät II, Frühling 2012

“The Models of Peace in Asia”, In: S+F. Sicherheit und Frieden – Security and Peace (4/2005), Jg. 23, pp. 216-221.


„Towards a Chinese Brand of Democracy? Models, Dynamics and Limitations”, In China and Autocracy –Its Political Influence and the Limits of Global Democrcy, edited by Hasenkamp, Miao-ling Lin (accepted, forthcoming, London: I.B. Tauris 2018)
„Economic Reform, Corruption and Anti-Corruption: Explaining Their Links in China“, In China and Autocracy –Its Political Influence and the Limits of Global Democrcy, edited by Hasenkamp, Miao-ling Lin (accepted, forthcoming, London: I.B. Tauris 2018)
„Transitional Justice in Ostasien: Die Suche nach Gerechtigkeit aus globaler und lokaler Perspektive,“ in Handbuch Transitional Justice, herausgegeben von Anja Mihr, Gert Pickel und Susanne Pickel, Wiesbaden: Springer VS Sozialwissenschaften, 2017, pp. 495-522, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-02392-8
“Menschenrechte und Nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Politik des Klimawandels – neue Ansätze und ihre Implikationen” in Menschenrechte, Entwicklung und Governance in der internationalen Politik – Konflikt oder Konvergenz im Wunschkonzert der Ziele? herausgegeben Hasenkamp, Miao-ling, Lit-Verlag, Münster (Jan. 2017), 39-68.

“Menschenrechte und Nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Politik des Klimawandels – überlappende Dimensionen und ihre Implikationen” in Menschenrechte, Bildung und Entwicklung – Bestandsaufnahme ihrer Zusammenhänge. Festschrift für Prof. Karl-Peter Fritzsches 65. Geburtstag, Co-Herausgeber Malte Brosig, Verlag Barbara Budrich, S. 231-254.

„Human Rights Education and the Diversity of Religions“, Co-Autor Karl-Peter Fritzsche, In: Human Rights and Religions. Band VI der Reihe „Internationales Menschenrechtsforum Luzern (IHRF)“, Stämpfli Verlag Bern, Nov. 2009, p. 421-428.

„The Return of Confucianism? Moral Education as Human Rights Education in China“, In Geiger, Gunter (Ed.). The Fight of Human Rights for Universal Recognition: Case Studies on Human Rights and Women Rights in Asia. Verlag Barbara Budrich, p. 56-65 (Dec. 2010).

“Human and Women Rights of Female Migrant Workers in China,“ In Geiger, Gunter (Ed.), The Fight of Human Rights for Universal Recognition: Case Studies on Human Rights and Women Rights in Asia. Verlag Barbara Budrich, p. 66-81 (Dec. 2010).

“Western Human Rights Diplomacy – A Critique,” in: 1999 Annual Conference Report published by the Chinese Research Association of Social Sciences in Germany.

Public Documents/Reports and Others:

„Democracy in Taiwan and Its Implications for China.“ In Taiwan in Movement. 100 Jahre Republik China. Eine Publikation herausgegeben von der Deutsch-Chinesischen Gesellschaft e. V. – Freunde Taiwans, 2014, ISBN 3-924171-75-0
Report „Religions-Geschichtsschreibung als Ort des Gesprächs – Hans Joas erinnerte an David Humes Inspiration,“ im Rahmen der OvGU Vorlesung 12. Nov. 2012, In uni:report, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Januar 2013.

Workshop „Menschenrechte, Entwicklung und Governance in der internationalen Politik – Konflikt oder Konvergenz im Wunschkonzert der Ziele?“ im Rahmen des 25. DVPW-Kongresses in Tübingen, 27./28. September, organisiert vom Arbeitskreis „Menschenrechte“, In Rundbrief der DVPW, Herbst Ausgabe, DVPW, Nov. 2012.

Tagungsbericht „Menschenrechte ohne Bildung?“ anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Karl-Peter Fritzsche, Inhaber des UNESCO-Lehrstuhls für Menschenrechtsbildung, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Mitte April 2010, In uni:report, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Juni 2010.

„A Common History of East Asia? Dealing with the Memories of War in Japan, China and Korea”, In: International Human Rights Research, <>.

„China in Africa – New Perspectives und Challenges“, Sammelvorträge vom 32. Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchentag, Bremen, In:, 4 p.

Tagungs-Papiere und –Aktivitäten

Organisation des Panels “Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Gefahr? Das Erstarken des Rechtspopulismus und seine Effekte und Implikationen”, 27. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der DVPW “Grenzen der Demokratie”, 25.-28. September 2018, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main (zugesagt, z. Z. im CfP-Verfahren)

Paper “Towards an Integrated European Defense Union? The Impact of Brexit on Franco-German Defense Cooperation Policy Preferences”, International Studies Association (ISA), 59th Annual Convention, 5th April 2018, San Francisco/USA

Paper “Re-negotiating the city: surveillance and refugee integration in German urban Communities“ in the Working Group “Cities and the Contentious Politics of Migration”, International Studies Association (ISA), 59th Annual Convention, 3rd April 2018, San Francisco/USA

Paper “Gendering Health Risks in Global Environmental Governance – A Critical Examination“, International Studies Association (ISA) 58th Annual Convention, 22. Feb. 2017, Baltimore/USA

Paper “Synergizing Islam and Gender in Peacebuilding? Some Messages from Afghanistan“, ISA) 58th Annual Convention, Feb. 24, 2017, Baltimore/USA

Paper „International Criminal Court as a Site to Combat Transnational Terrorism“, International Studies Association (ISA) 57th Annual Convention, Atlanta/US, March 19, 2016

The organization and discussant of Roundtable „The EU as a Normative Actor of Global Justice – Normative Backgrounds, Mechanisms, Experiences and Limitations“, ISA 57th Annual Convention, Atlanta/US, March 17, 2016

Poster presentation “Reframing European Refugee Policies – Governance between Anti-Terror War and Humanitarianism,” MPSA 73rd National Conference, Chicago, April 17, 2015

Paper “Human Rights and Sustainable Development in the Politics of Climate Change,” MPSA 72nd National Conference, Chicago, April 4, 2014

Paper “Towards a Chinese Brand of Democracy? Models, Dynamics and Limitations,” ISA 55th Annual Convention Toronto, March 29, 2014

Paper “Searching for Economic Security – Big Government, Small Government or A Supranational Solution?”, PSS-ISA (the Peace Science Society-International Studies Association), Joint Conference, Budapest/Hungary, June 27 – 29, 2013.

Paper „European Migration Law and Practices between Integration, Imagination and Exclusion,” Mid West Political Science Association (MPSA) 71st National Conference, Chicago, April 13, 2013.

Workshop-Organisation für das Tagungsprogramm des Arbeitskreises „Menschenrechte“, Kongress der Deutscher Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), Tübingen, 24-28. Sept. 2012

Discussant of the Panel “IR Theory and Identity” with two papers “A Chinese School of IR Theory” by Yu Bao and “Taiwan’s Identity Construction through Economic Development” by Lee Jyun-yi, MPSA 70th National Conference, Chicago, April 14, 2012

Paper “Transnational Discourse versus Indigenous Knowledge? Some Reflections upon the Anti-Privatization Movements in Latin America”, MPSA 70th National Conference, Chicago, April 12-15, 2012

Paper “Normative Responsibilities of transnational Corporations – A New Global Justice Project?” ISA 53rd Annual Convention 2012 San Diego, April 1-4, 2012

Paper “Human Rights Meet Legislation – Cross-Cultural Political and Legal Perspectives. With Case Studies on the Issue of Death Penalty,“ Aug. 19, 2011, WISC 2011, Porto University, Porto, Portugal.

Discussant of the panel “Energy Issues and Its Implications on Regional and International Security,” Aug. 20, 2011, WISC 2011, Porto University, Porto, Portugal.
Chair/Discussant of the Panel “The Chinese Puzzle: Democracy versus Autocracy”, ISA 52nd Annual Convention 2011, Montreal, March 16, 2011

Paper “Seeking Justice between the Global and the Local – An East-Asian Perspective,” ISA 52nd Annual Convention 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 17, 2011

Organization/Chair of the Panel “Modeling Justice in Global Governance: Norms, Mechanisms and Effects,” at the ISA 52nd Annual Convention 20112011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, March 17, 2011

Chair/Discussant of the Panel “International Law – How does it work locally?”, ISA 52nd Annual Convention 2011, Montreal, March 17, 2011

Discussant of the Poster Session “Human Rights in China”, ISA 52nd Annual Convention 2011, Montreal, March 18, 2011

Chair of the Panel “Africa and the World Order,” ISA 52nd Annual Convention 2011, Montreal, March 19, 2011

Chair of the panel “China Rising?”, ISA 52nd Annual Convention 2011, Montreal, March 19, 2011

Paper “International Security, Development and Human Rights – Policy Conversion or Conflict?” at the 10th International CISS Millennium Conference “Global Cooperation: Alliances, Institutions, and International Relations”, July 4-5, 2010, Venedig, Italy

Paper „Governing the Darfur Crisis – A Postcolonial Feminist and Anthropological Perspective,“ International Studies Association (ISA), Feb. 17-20, 2010, New Orleans, USA

Paper „Struggle for Whose Justice? Gender and Power in Indigenous Movements,“ Arbeitskreis “Politik und Geschlecht” der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), DVPW Kongress Kiel 21.-25. Sept. 2009

Paper „Towards Human Security Governance? Integrated Peacebuilding in Sierra Leone and Burundi,“ Co-Author Oliver Westerwinter, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Potsdam 2009, 10.-12. Sept. 2009

Paper „Human Rights, Environment and Indigenous Peoples – A Case of Developing A Holistic Integrity Model,” Arbeitskreis „Menschenrechte“ der DVPW mit dem Thema “Zum Aufschwung wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und kultureller Rechte”, 26./27. Okt. 2007, Nürnberg (Rathaus)

Paper „Agenda Misfit. Inkongruente Menschenrechts-Diskurse in einer asymmetrischen Beziehung. Das Recht auf Gesundheit in Afrika als Beispiel“, Siebte Tagung des Arbeitskreises „Soziologie der Internationalen Beziehungen“ (SiB) der DVPW, 16./17. Nov. 2007, Berlin.

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